Quote of the day:
“The question is no longer can Conservation Detection Dogs (CDD) work in conservation, but rather what can be done to achieve the highest quality performance, while mitigating error and bias.” From McKeague et al. 2024
This paper covers lots of nice and relevant content for working towards a more and more data-based CDD future!
One thing we wanted to highlight (as it does not come across too explicitly in the paper), is the importance of target scent specific search distance – search distance/technique should not be generalized but investigated closely for every single target scent INDIVIDUALLY! Including target species behaviour, scent concentration/availability, habitat, weather conditions and much more! Otherwise we "will overshadow the outstanding abilities of CDD." to quote them again.
This will be the main topic we will cover in our upcoming webinar "Systematische Flächensuche" on the 8th of May.
Relevant for all operational-based scent work.